Microwave kiln machine
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    Microwave Kiln machine VR-5

  Kiln (box) type microwave: for a small number of small size of the object (plane, shaped), the development process (proofing) use, small footprint, can move. Otherwise the guest machine, can be used for wood drying and hot water production and use. Special design of the small cart, is conducive to the placement of materials and materials in the microwave process uniformity. 
  Microwave instead of the traditional drying method, to solve the high energy consumption, high pollution, low production efficiency, can not be fast drying of water paint and other issues. To prevent the furniture in the production process of water soluble coating caused by secondary furniture absorbent, furniture easily mildewy, deformation, cracking and other problems occur because of the resurgence, furniture too much water. Remove a lot of drying production line, save space, speed up the production process. Microwave heating is rapid and uniform, high efficiency and energy saving, the application of HMI and PLC can control of the heating process automation and can recover the heat source, change in heat energy amplification and optimization of power consumption, low cost, low emission production process do.